Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Instrumentation & Electrical Upgrades

In a previous post I wrote about my repairs on the fuel level sending unit. I have yet to repair my speedometer, so I use a GPS to monitor my speed. After a while it gets tiresome setting the GPS back into position on the dash again and again. While in Walmart, I noticed a suction mount for cell phones, and thought, aha! So, the glass on the speedo works great as a surface to mount the suction cup. Also armed with a 12v plug to USB converter, I power the GPS through any trip (yes I do drive my office).

Another addition to the rig is a 40W Kyocera (KC-40) photovoltaic panel. When not plugged-in to the grid, it keeps the batteries from discharging from the draw of the refrigerator. I is not enough to handle keeping the inverter batteries charged if I am running my soldering irons, etc. though. I was fortunate that the panel size mounts well to the AC unit, so there are no additional holes in the roof, as I was able to run the wires through the AC's munting hole.

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